There are a number of reasons supporting the “breast is best” philosophy.

Breast milk is rich in nutrients that promote nervous system development and brain growth. Carbohydrates and protein levels in breast milk are perfectly suited to babies and the antibodies in breast milk contribute substantially to developing baby’s immune system. Your best breast milk is produced at night.


  • You should put baby to your breast as soon as possible after birth as their instinct to feed and establish a good pattern at the breast is strongly developed at this stage
  • In the first few days when colostrum is produced, simply feed baby as often as needed
  • Once breast milk comes in from about Day Three, two hourly feeding is very common, with the occasional longer gap of 3 or 4 hours
  • Small babies need nothing other than mothers’ milk which has enough water to quench thirst and nutrients to satisfy hunger
  • The initial milk (or foremilk) seems more watery and may even appear to have a blue tinge as it is primarily to quench thirst
  • This is followed by the hindmilk which is nutrient-rich and mostly looks creamier.
  • Each feed also tends to occur in ‘courses’, baby often needing to feed 3-4 times with a little nap or a soiled diaper between ‘courses’.
  • If you have an abundance of milk and baby seems to choke and splutter, lying and feeding or laying baby on your tummy down your abdomen while suckling tends to make milk come slower.
  • Do not wake baby for a feed before you go to bed, thinking that will tide baby over for the night – if you interferes with the so-called ‘core sleep’, sleeping through will take longer to come
  • At the same time, try not to resent night feeding as it is an important part of nursing for many babies
  • By not limiting daytime feeds, you might well find night time feeds somewhat less frequent.
  • It is important not to take baby off your breast before baby is good and ready, so that they can have the benefit of the whole cycle
    i.e. fore and hind milk.